protect me.

I wish for you to someday get my back
I can't stand still for another pain
When I hope you become brave enough to be there for me

Those Old Songs

Yeayy it's holiday already!

I've done all of my exams earlier than some of my friends, which means I got my holiday a bit earlier. It feels a bit surreal to hit holiday at last. It's kinda awkward when suddenly there's no more assignment to do or exams to be stress for. But it feels good, yes it really does.

Actually I still have some projects to do, I should make some designs for some events in my church and I enjoy it a lot. But since it's holiday, like usually I have my own 'me-time' even during doing these stuffs. Lately I've been listening to some old Indonesian song (that brings lots of memories I can say). I think those old songs are great, each of it has its own meaning. Here are two songs that keep playing in my playlist during I'm posting this post, maybe some people don't like or even think that these two songs are a bit tacky or cheesy, but just listening to it after a long time it sounds great.

Pelangi di Matamu - Jamrud

Risalah Hati - Dewa19