
I try to open my heart of this possibility and keep my mind away. You become my possibility and I wish it could be true this time. But I think life doesn't make it that way. I wish you knew, A.

Best luck, T!

Another journey for one of my best bud, he went to study abroad just like some of my other close friends who had gone to study overseas also. Each time each friend goes there will be a feeling of loosing someone, someone that means a lot in our lives. Even just for some period of times but still the feeling cannot be avoid, because physically they won't be near to us. There will be a distance, difference of time, and also all those new stuffs to be adjusted. At the end it will make us grow separately, not like how we used to be. But luckily for those true friendship, we will make it up as soon as we gather again.

So I made those (just call it) cards as a little present and to remind that how hard life treats us in our (different) ways, we will still have each other to support (considering he's like my own brother). We spent great times together but for now we will live another phase of life separately, but in a great way. So until we meet again T!