Figuring out

I moved forward with what's going on in my life these days.
all the busyness,
and another part of my life that changes into a beautiful sunny meadow lately,
distract me from something that I shouldn't forgot about.

I was fine, or even sometimes I feel more than that.
I thought it was over,
until I realize the fact that there's nothing ever changes.

A tear fell down the moment I knew it; I can't hold it.
Stupid and meaningless,
'cause all I can do just let it happen.

I just can pray for your happiness, I always will. For you know, like I say you're always there perfectly in the right time and I'm glad of it. Now, I'm not saying that it will be easy to accept all of these "suddenly things", but at least I'll make fast for me to back on track; My life's track which full of happiness with or without you.

I write this post not because I wish you could change your mind, or even want you to think about any chance of being with me. I just say what I've been thinking but never been able to say it.

Completely broken,
adieu then...

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